Are you frustrated as a parent to find a good story for your children to read? Is there no point to teach your child about something useful from what you read to them? You can't find a strong message, it's got cute pictures, but that's about it. Hopefully, this blog will help a little bit. Below are several children's books with strong messages of encouragement and that are happy and uplifting and fun.
The Unfriendly Dragon was Voted #1 Best Kids Book Ever on Goodreads. Disney artist, Seth Weinberg, produced incredible pictures within this 50-page layout. The Unfriendly Dragon is about friendship with those that are different than you. It's a great message and many children have made new friends after reading this gem.
The First 12 Days of Preschool by Jeanette Crystal Bradley is so engaging with preschoolers. It is powerful and effective in teaching them 12 different things such as when to line up, when to raise your hand, when to clean up, when to help others, and so much more. A must-have in the parental arsenal of fun and teaching at the same time. This even comes with an original music video produced and directed by the author. Youtube video link below.

Our next children's book is from the author, Jennifer Mojica-Academia. It's called The Story of Nero, The Mexipino Superhero. A great adventure for kids to understand their culture, heritage, and background. So good to have.

The Mountain of Gold is another installment from the Unfriendly Dragon series. The heroes are in search of a lost treasure. They make friends with an ogre that helps them find the mountain. Once inside they discover the treasure is actually "them". This is a great story of teaching the kids that they are important. They are the treasure.

Author, Cindy Holman, has a fantastic series. This is one of the eight books available so make sure to get the series. I Am An Athlete, I Am An Artist, and so on. A powerful and effective way to help kids discover what they like in life. It can be a valuable tool to help a parent discover their child's calling.

Here is the third installment of Brae Wyckoff's adventure series based upon his young adult epic fantasy books (also available on Amazon). Writing for his own grandchildren, he produced this gem for his granddaughter Juliet. This teaches kids how to deal with fear and overcome it. It's fun, has great pictures, and Juliet loved it.

This is my grandson, Avery, who asked me to write him a book. The Unfriendly Dragon was born. Would love to hear about other children's books you have found that teach our kids valuable lessons and help them grow. Leave a comment and I hope these few suggestions bless your children and grandchildren.